Versatile Blogger Award (x2)

Hi fellow humans!

So I discovered something pretty exciting, which is (in case you didn’t guess from the title), I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Awardtwice! 

versitle-blogger-bwThanks to NIDHIVERMA1609 and here’s the blog link to Hallucinations of An Angel if you want to go check it out : and then I also later found out that I was nominated by Natasha from who has lots of amazing posts too – love the food 🙂

Now I wasn’t entirely sure what to write for the next part but here’s 7 things about me that’ll hopefully be somewhat interesting…

  1. I’m human (in case you didn’t guess) – though Plue the robot also helps out alot.
  2. I love desserts, well actually food in general is awesome!
  3. I’m sure many of us have been asked before Dogs or Cats? Personally I have a dog and a cat who are both awesome so I can’t choose between them. Hmmm I love lots of animals really but I guess I might prefer dogs a bit more in general – don’t kill me for this all the cat lovers out there, I still love cats too 😛
  4. I’ve kind of always wanted to try Parkour. If you haven’t heard of it before go check it out!
  5. I’m one of those odd people who don’t seem to get scared watching horror movies.
  6. Well you probably already know this but I enjoy creating sketches, actually I enjoy doing many different arty things such as painting and more detailed drawings but creating sketches is something that I probably find the most fun!
  7. I once tried making hot chocolate in the microwave… and it exploded. Don’t worry too much though since then that’s never happened again (the exploding that is, I still drink plenty of hot chocolate). 

Here’s some blogs that i’m nominating, (you can only choose 15 bloggers, though in reality i’m sure we all know how there’s so many awesome blogs out there who deserve this). 

1. —> Found them through a post combining dogs and Star Wars!

2. —> Nice little drawings about food and life such as the Cream Puff Pie Watercolour and the recent white snow owl 🙂

3. —> Interesting thoughts and a self proclaimed procrastinator.

4. —> There’s a post called: Cookies and Milk: A Match Made to Destroy Your Dreams. Enough said. 

5. —> Mainly a music blog, though there’s also lots of other material. 

6. —> Fellow ice-cream lover.

7. —> They did a sketch of Mario and hopefully soon one of Luigi … we wouldn’t want Luigi to feel left out 😉

8. —> A beginning drawer and she also writes stories. 

9. —> There’s lots (seriously lots) of cool posts to check out!

10. —> Plenty of randomness to browse.

11. —>All sorts of artwork creations. 

12. —> The blog is called stuff and nonsense but there’s actually amazing artworks here.

13. —> I think the title tells it all.

14. —> Yay, dogs! Cute photos here. 

15. —> They just got up to Z on their A to Z challenge.

Wow this took a while to write. Thanks for reading and good luck to all those nominated and to everyone in general for all your blogging ventures. 

Just A Fellow Human,


Versatile Blogger Award (x2)